By: VIDYAPATI 
C.1. Long Answer Questions:
1. Describe Radha's condition, as reported by her friend?
Ans. : According to the friend, the tears shed missing Lord Krishna by Radha  has carved out a river of tears and She painfully thinks of Him only on its bank. She is so careless about Her health.
She is even not mentally balanced due to over thinking.
2. Why is Radha's friend so worried?
Ans. : Radha's friend is so worried as she is concerned about her friend's health, both physical and emotional. Radha is totally confused and her health is detoriating day by day. She is growing thinner and thinner and now she seems to be thinner than the crescent in the sky.
3. " Radha each day/ grows thinner/thinner than the crescent in the sky," comment on the use of imagery.
Ans. : The present poem is full of imageries to flash the realistic picture of the pathetic condition of Radha. They are so powerful as they give a pictorial representation of the tender feelings and the physical condition of the goddess. It shows the intensity of Her love towards Lord Krishna.
-Rajneesh Kumar Mishra 


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