Tribute to Lata Mangeshkar( The Empress of Melody)

 Handpick'd humming of Divinity sooth'd,   human--the baby.
Thou art so jealous of Thy creation to  stop the Lullaby !
Alas ! Who will solace sick souls from now?
Who else will sing the melody for first love and how?

The earth is Hell without the Heavenly nightingale.
She was music of all- small or tall, above male-female,
The poet-the porter, the royal-the ruin'd, the curerer-the sick,
All reviv'd to fill her waves inside, now all shatteredly weak !

Moon with stars is mourning by shedding tears of rain,
Human-idol of Ma Saraswati is immers'd in human-brain,
Lata Di, thou art culture, ritual, celebration, and pain-lotion !
Thou art deep deep ocean of human emotion!

Oh death ! Thou art shallow, brief and most curs'd !
How can thy stop the verse, the most rehears'd ?
The Almighty absent'd her physical presence,
To scatter waves from earth to sky for her Omnipresence !

She is the melody of Paradise,
She'll dwell in Souls and Eyes !
@ Rajneesh Kumar Mishra
Copyright content


  1. Nice lines.. heartfelt tribute to Lata di.. I m singing and playing her song since childhood.. infact she was the first singer I hv introduced.. No one can replace her voice ever.. I hv treasured her song deep inside my heart..

    1. I feel humbled towards your admiring and approving attitude!


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