Heartless Head

People know you as a reverend respected man;
But you pour poison onto pure plant of posterity,
I know you cook the venom dish in dirty mind's pan;
Oh! But your seedlings also belong to humanity.
You're very very vexed by your shining son's sinful acts.
Don't you know that you're reaping rewards of wrongdoings?
The luxury and comforts you've gathered are illgotten facts,
You're completely changed from natural to artificial by your doings.
Almost everyone in your family is in  Government School;
Your wife visits her school rarely for physical presence.
Your London living Bihari teacher sister never attended her school;
You all are the hard-core criminals and spoil the nation hence.
Your retired  teacher father invested millions rupees on pilgrimage;
How sad! But he couldn't see the children's Divine image.
Your house becomes business hub and you-like people's assemblage;
Why's your mind so polluted and you're causing which age?
A year ago, a poor little girl was accepted at your house;
Her father had handed her over to you  with a heavy heart.
She was sent to you for learning knowledge and art;
Ah! But you used her every drop of energy for cleaning your house.
Not only this but you also beat her bitterly for her tender mistakes;
Your proud plump puppy picked pickles but she ate half-eaten cakes.
While you slept with your dearie,she cleaned your slippers;
She was teased & tortured by your heirs & she was chained in creepers.
She escaped secretly for saving her long life;
You accused her of stealing gold of your wife.
But you've stolen the young fates of the country;
You are an enemy of a teacher, a farmer and hence of the whole peasantry.
by Rajneesh Kumar Mishra


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