From the Treasure of Truth...

Thou has nailed my nerve system's networking cage;
A decade ago thou cremated thy own creators in fire's raise;
Some years ago thy cousin was crushed under a car bright;
Some months ago, thy brother dead due to a black snake's bite.
Some weekends ago, the whole world was caught in a furious full flood;
It took many lives unbiasedly and thy veins were full of frozen blood;
Some weeks ago, thy bosom friend dead due to essential electricity's shocks;
The terror of death was clearly visible on thy face as thou check'd even socks.
Some weeks ago, thy only son's ailing caused you cry,
Some days ago, thy wife was burnt while cooking fish fry,
Some hours ago, thou was closely shaved from a killing collision;
The whole world is suffering under the feet of covid-19,
You're talking of the feast and the merry din,
And today thou said-'No one can be matched with my vigour and vision.'
Oh! Thy existence is already super insecure & momentary;
You should taste your words and actions which are cooked in mind's pantry.
No actions, words, reactions are exhaustible,
They are energy and its forms hence permanent but invisible!
by Rajneesh Kumar Mishra


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