Doubtful Darling

Oh!Thy oral autobiography vibrated the veins of heart & mind,
Me is thy culprit who could not contain thy top secret behind.
Curse to myself but the volcano of thy story's wave erupted this poem,
Forgive me for I'm innocent as thou know even my inner xylem & phloem.
Now allow me to tell thy suffering for I wish to share thy mental pain,
I assure thee, I'll never highlight thyself & thy suffering-source with my pen.
I know mere words can't express thy feelings & anxiety;
But, "O my dear friend, how can we blame that alone Almighty?"
My good eyesight had witnessed thy excitement & love devoted,
Thou always planned for her happiness hence thy heart was love-coated.
She too never showed her hypocritical heart even in her dirty dream,
She was thy mental peace, energy, smiling face & even fairness cream.
Thee bequeathed thy everything on her name,
Oh why! Why did she cheat you & play the dirty game?
I know thou had given her full freedom & she'd even enslaved thee,
Thou trusted her fake love & waited her smiling lips as an appointee.
Before her company, we both were good companions,
Thou would come to my room for chicken party & peeled onions.
Once when I went to thy house, I noticed her lustrous luring eyes,
I dared not tell thee anything against her as thy clear heart had a loverise.
Once she herself told thee that thou were the first and last man in her life,
But today she shone as sharp snake or thou can call her a nasty knife.
I remember thy tearful eyes when thee shared her action,
Thou saw her making physical contact & she'd such connection.
I do recall thy folded hand request to not reveal this secret,
Thy voice was trembling, eyes were blind with tears'carpet.
She could not see thou weeping & watching her illicit  affair,
On thy asking, she told that she'd kill herself but never be unfair.
As usual she was showing her concern & care towards thee,
Thou told me that she never reflected her any negative key.
Thou asked her will again & again but she not not shared anything,
Was she an adulterous woman or bad natured lady king?
Again after seven days thou witnessed the same thing,
This time thou rigidly recorded her each and everything.
Thou told me that thou showed her the red recorded facts,
She started crying like dying bitch and showed her all tacts.
She fell down on thy feet for forgiveness & promised for further life,
Thou was speechless & just wanted to know the cause from thy wife.
Thou already knew the purity of soul & vagueness of physical body;
Hence thou only shared with me because of trust and with nobody.
Still thy dilemma was pricking thy conscience,
As thou was considerate and a man of science.
Thou found thy trust and innocent love was betrayed,
This act was tearing thy heart but sweet was the blade.
I knew thou forgave her and enhanced thy love for her,
But its recall was charging a current & shook thy fur.
She too totally devoted herself & her heart was full of love-shout,
But alas! She had dissolved in thy mind and heart a dirty-doubt, dirty-doubt...
by Rajneesh Kumar Mishra


  1. What a lovely poem is this! Keep going Rajneesh. Your love for her is absolutely pure and genuine.
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