Lullaby for Manav

Oh twinkling stars! Oh shinning moon!
Send sweet sound sleep for my son soon.
His tender legs tired for nature's admire,
His rosy lips uttered orders like umpire.
Oh please, please, please! Send sleep,sleep,sleep! Promise keep,keep,keep! Sleep deep,deep,deep!
Oh Ocean of peace! Have a sweet kiss!
His ears need rest as it heard hilly hiss.
Reward my shinning son with super sleep;
He's to spread humanity,let him be asleep.
Oh sweety,sweety,sweety! My son is so sweety! Have pity,pity,pity! He's so pretty!
His eyes see scenes, trees and greens;
He plays with beauties & fair queens.
He has to see society sweet & bitter;
O cloud! Please hide Moon's glow & glitter.
Oh mosey Moon,Moon,Moon! Please soon, soon,soon! Send thy boon,boon,boon!  O sleep come like a coon,coon,coon!
My son isn't only mine but my wife's divine;
Oh he is harmony's holy humble hidden pine.
For God's sake, Sleep come soon for his rest;
For he's a form of the Almighty and the best.
Oh Bubbly,Bubbly,Bubbly! Manav's very lovely! Oh God,God,God! Please don't nod,nod,nod!
Oh goddess of rest! Oh east and west!
Send sleep with lovely dream arrest.
Oh God dwelling in his innocent heart,
Please bless him with values & art.
Oh rosy,rosy,rosy! His cheeks're very rosy!
Oh cosy,cosy,cosy! His bedroom is very cosy! Oh sleep, sleep, sleep! Come flip,flip,flip!
O thanks God! Thanks! For sending sleep banks! My son is now drowsy. He can't be a lousy. We're very lucky. Our son is very ducky.
Oh bye,bye, bustle! Oh bye,bye,bye tussle!
Oh bye,bye,bye, fight with sharp teeth bite.
Oh bye,bye, warning, he'll see you in the morning. Oh switch the bulb off, his shoes also doff.
Oh hush,hush,hush! Evils, crush, crush,crush! Silence keep, keep,keep. My son, sleep,sleep, sleep.
by Rajneesh Kumar Mishra


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