Love Snatcher

Ah! You can't separate sweet smell of soft rose.
Thou this art isn't love but its dangerous over dose.
Love but only pure is the product of natural cause.
Thou art thy love never reflect but forceful shows.
Thy ill efforts like pebbles throwing in a calm pond;
They create innumerable waves & makes strong bond.
It's never physically inbuilt in me to reach thy hand;
It's in my heart's every part like grinned grains of sand.
Oh! Let me die before any blame and dirty defame.
But, Ah! I'm sorry as she is present in my soul's flame.
I always wonder-"Why should you abuse her name?"
She's heavenly formed for me before the earth came.
You can control my body not my feelings free flow.
Behold her! She is shaking air & the sweet wind blows.
Oh! Thy respectful position is already preserved.
You can't be she and she can't take thy relation reserved.
How can I explain my source of energy and imagination?
My mind and thinking has made for her a beautiful nation.
Oh,please don't behave as a hunter for bird's nature.
Let her inspire me inside my inner self, don't be a love snatcher.
by Rajneesh Kumar Mishra


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