You're the most softest of all,
You're the most passionate heart.
You're the cause of human call,
You're the creator of natural art.

You're the most hardest host,
You're the curiousest  creature.
You're the only dreadful most,
You're the present, past & future.

You're invisible and omnipresent,
You're shapeless and colourless.
You're rising sun & moon crescent,
You're wordly but Godly sent .

You're the weakest and the strongest,
You're both zero and everything.
You're the most pious and the purest,
You're the beggar and the king.

Oh! You can hide hot and cold,
You can become liquid or solid.
You can stretch yourself or fold,
Oh! You can expose or close lid.

Oh! Who are you-I guess and fail,
You're water,women, girl or a female.
Men as fire often show their might & tell,
But you keep water & fire hidden, not tell.

You are only completely complete human!!

by  Rajneesh Kumar Mishra


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