My Mother
O my mother!The Goddess of my life,
Thy blessing waves are omnipresent.
O my Creator! You're my oxygen.
O thou art the living goddess.
O ma! You're the cause of my success.
You're the hope for my failures.
O kindest soul! You're my first word.
O! My first step was thy success.
O! My body's made up of only you & you.
O! Thee fired thy eyes to light my life path.
O! Thy life's nothing but a prayer for me.
My single smile killed thy million wishes.
Thee spent sleepless nights to sooth me.
My childish complaints chopped thy rest.
Thy chief concern was our happy life.
O! You're the holiest form of Philosophy.
You're the only selfless Goddess on Earth.
My milk teeth often cut thy divine breast
Still thee fed me without any sigh or rest.
O! Thou art the ocean of all love & care.
O ma! You're not a she but goddess fair.
But alas! I'm now worldly young & grown,
Those heavenly-happy days are far gone.
I'm far from her love b'coz of golden dove.
O you money, you're modern day's honey.
O you separated me from her lovely lap.
O everyone knows, you can't fill the gap.
Bye! You,O money! I'm going to mother.
Ah! O my mother! You're without any care.
O deaf & dim heaven! Woe to thy all pairs!
You took off her cheer & gave grey hairs.
O God! Why are you becoming so mean?
Did you ever noticed her wrinkled skin?
O cruel heaven! Curse to thy power-might.
O,why Thou harmed her good eye-sight?
O Creator of life! O heavenly! O father!
Think & tell me- Have you no any mother?
O my life is nothing without that Angel!
O the world would be like dreadful jungle!
O how and why will I live here without her?
Kill me before her death. O God! O Sir !
By- Rajneesh Kumar Mishra
really true.......
ReplyDeleteThanks... My dear