THE SUN OF FAME, THE IDENTITY!! People play a strange game, Where same act brings fame and defame. By default they should go to them Whose deeds deserve the same. But why am I usually blame's aim? Is it only due to difference of name? How is defame turned into fame, When it is supposed to go to a muscle frame? Even my silly mistake became a blunder, My colleagues reported it as a plunder. My mind asked," Don't you ever wonder?" I replied that they knew to hide their thunder. Oh, this world is not fit for innocents! Cunning tricks are must even to infants. Ah, if a poetry sings the praise of treachery, Values will be vanished from human-factory! O let them trouble their minds in trapping. Whole world is ready for ovational clapping, For those who are harmless to humanity. They can't hide the sun of fame, the identity! by Rajneesh Kumar Mishra (Copyrights reserved)