Date of your curious coming is proposed; Schedule of our anxious meetings are fixed. My conscript conscience is paused as you're enclosed. Regarding your look,figure,complexion, I'm vexed. We have to see each other at any cost, But will I be able to match thy standard? Our meeting-place will not be a seacoast, By your guarding gang I maybe slandered. You've evolved from the deep deep ocean But my mind can contain only a glass of you. I bet for my heart's holding you as a lotion. But they'll never allow our informal accrue. You're my dream Angel & even witty witch As you'll certify the success or failure of life. Oh please, don't off, but on the switch Otherwise I'll even not be able to find a wife. Many intelligent & handsome guys will lure, With their good calling calligraphy & knowledge. My heart's full of feelings- pious and pure, My mind is empty as I used my heart at college. You're a scale to measure us a...