Shaping Humanity
O my soul! My soul! Thou must indicate from within: My body is fragile & subject to die, So that my sound never be a harsh din, Never be source of harm as have to say-'bye'. O dangerous diseases! Deadly diseases! Kindly keep thy killing behaviour active on my frame; Otherwise I may become a proudy puppet. Lest my acts may harm horribly humanity's aim, As the society will debate on me like advocate. O my conscience! My conscience! Keep pricking my ego randomly, So that I may not become a prickly plant. I must be sure sensitive solemnly, To be loved & blessed & people to chant. O my heart! My humble heart! Shape my feelings to make me man; Keep tears in eyes and smile on lips. Store sympathy & empathy in this pan; Allow not to cook cheap chisel like chips. O my mighty mind! My mighty mind! Control my thinking from instigating any evil; Delete all the revengeful torture done on you. Think not to trouble any form of life ...